Social Media
Online presence – what to write and what to share
As the CTO, or any other person with a separate title responsible for tech teams, you are a spokes person for the company in a way, and what you share and do on social media like LinkedIn is going to be associated with the company whether you like it or not.
This doesn't mean I think you should hold back and not post or comment, but maybe think another second before pressing “Send”. Getting in to trolling-comment feeds with endless discussions is also maybe not very productive. You can also turn this little space of yours in to something interesting.
Remember that most people who sees what you are posting and commenting are people in your current network. Your employees, co-workers, team members.
Hence, writing posts about topics of your concern is a great way to get to know you and what you stand for. As long as you are an open and approachable leader. Some maybe is better to write in the internal Slack.
And we all know what we think of posts like “Look how awesome I am because I took a selfie with a person in a vulnerable position.” So spare me that.
Read more in "The CTO Playbook" available on Amazon/Kindle.